God forgive me.
I ask forgiveness for all the things that I did that were not according to your word. I acknowledge that I need your help and I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Come into my heart and free me from my past. Free my mind, wash my heart and save my soul. I want to do your will. I am surrendering all my ways to you that I may find the will of God for my life. Help me God so that I can fulfill my life's purpose and manifest my destiny, in your Son Jesus Christ name I pray ...
Ministry Statement
Our pledge is to continue with one accord in worship services, to fellowship from house to house with gladness, praising God for all things and God will add to the church those who desire to be saved.
Fast Facts
Click for "FAST FACTS" about Faith Deliverance Worship Center.
Contact Us
- Faith Deliverance Worship Center
1751 West 17th Street
Jacksonville, FL 32209
- Call Us:
(904) 598-0078 (Office)
(904) 598-0079 (Fax)
- E-mail Us: